24th June week - A Very Special Date for your Diary
Apologies for the late announcement.
By popular demand we have been persuaded to run the eighth edition of the Vassiliki Watersports Festival this year, and we are delighted to tell you that the amazing band that performed in front of a huge audience on the beach in front of Vassiliki Town Hall have invited themselves back as they loved it so much last year!
On the water we’ll be keeping things simple – holding our normal Friday race day around the cans in Vassiiki bay, while on Saturday there will be a Laser regatta in which we’ll be inviting the local Lefkas sailing club team to join us. You can also join us for a special long-distance cat race.
Off the water – well, if you like live music then you are in for a treat and a half. Tuesday’s BBQ, followed by Thursday’s cocktail night, then the main gig on the Saturday night, all with a different ambience and set will give you memories by the score (pun intended!) If you came to our 30th party last year you will know what absolutely wonderful evenings were had by all. And, should you want to stay on an extra week, then the following Tuesdays’ BBQ promises yet more musical brilliance, and on the Friday Club Vass are holding their annual party night with our brilliant friend, singer and trumpet player, Andy Lewis headlining the stage.
So, here’s the programme:
Sunday 24th June – Sunday 1st July.
Tuesday night BBQ with the Wildwind All-Stars, Thursday night cocktail night with acoustic set around the pool, Friday and Saturday regatta open to all, Saturday night prizegiving and concert at the Town Hall.
At time of sending this newsletter we had only 15 seats left on our own British Airways allocation - we MAY be able to find additional places on alternative flights but best to make sure so please call us as soon as you can to guarantee your place. We promise you a fantastic week!